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Office of Independent Education & Parental Choice

Fee Schedules, Student Enrollment and Attendance Verification

School Fee Schedule

As part of the compliance process, a private school new to the McKay Scholarship program must submit a School Fee Schedule in writing to the School Choice Office; and each year, participating McKay schools must renew their School Fee Schedule online. A school's fee schedule should contain all fees and charges related to McKay Scholarship student attendance. In addition to tuition, fees that are required to attend your private school, such as registration and enrollment, are acceptable fee schedule items. Also appropriate are services such as tutoring and therapy, and items such as uniforms and supplies.

Between May 1 and August 2, a private school administrator can change the amounts (but not the descriptions) of the fee items for the next school year. In order to add or delete any fee items or to make a change of any kind during the school year (from August 3 to April 30), the private school administrator must submit this request to the appropriate regional manager in the School Choice Office.

Student Fee Schedule

During the student registration and enrollment process, a private school administrator must enter a Student Fee Schedule for each McKay Scholarship student. Students' fees are drawn, as appropriate, from the School Fee Schedule.

An item must first be on the School Fee Schedule in order to be selected for the Student Fee Schedule.

A Student Fee Schedule can be entered either as part of the registration process or as part of the enrollment process, but is required before the enrollment process is complete. Student Fee Schedules can be entered at any time throughout the year when enrolling students. Annually, between May 1 and August 2, schedules may be edited during re-enrollment. Contact your school's regional manager to make changes at any other time.


Registering is part of the enrollment process performed by participating private schools. Registering is only done for students new to McKay (coming from public school) and not for current McKay students being transferred from another private school.

Registration involves selecting an eligible student in order for demographic information such as name, date of birth, address, and grade level to be entered.

In order to locate a student record, enter the public school district the student last attended, and the student's first and last name and date of birth. Once a student is registered he/she will appear on the private school's McKay Student List in the "Registered Students" section. The student must still be enrolled in order to be eligible to receive payment.


Enrolling a student means entering a student's fee schedule and recording his/her first date of attendance. As part of the enrollment process, you will be required to enter the parent or guardian's SSN if one has not already been entered. To avoid scholarship payment delays, make certain that you enter the SSN of the parent or guardian whose name is listed. You will also have opportunity to update the parent or guardian's mailing address and contact phone number. After entering the first day of attendance for the student being enrolled, and verifying that you wish to enroll the student, you may wish to print the confirmation page and keep it for your records as proof of enrollment.

We suggest that schools check their McKay Student List regularly to review online information for each scholarship student and to help avoid missed payments.

Attendance Verification

Private schools must verify the continued attendance of and regular and direct contact with each McKay scholarship student in order to receive scholarship payment. The attendance verification process is required for the November, February, and April payments.

An Attendance Verification link will appear on the private school's Welcome page, usually the day after the enrollment deadline for the next payment period, and the private school administrator will have approximately one week to complete the process on-line. If the Attendance Verification process is not completed on time, payments will be delayed.

A confirmation page for Attendance Verification appears at the completion of the process. Private schools are advised to print and retain a copy of the confirmation page.

Students newly enrolled or transferred to the private school after the enrollment deadline will not appear on the Attendance Verification page. In order to potentially receive payment for these students, the private school administrator must submit a Scholarship Issue Form and an attendance record for each student showing attendance of at least 10 days.

When a scholarship student attends multiple private schools or a private school and the public school in the same payment period, the right to retain the scholarship payment is given to the first private school the student attends for ten (10) or more school days during that payment period, as long as all other requirements are met.


The transferring procedure is for scholarship students moving from one participating private school to another. (Students new to the scholarship are instead Registered.) If the transfer occurs during the school year (August 3 - May 31), then before the student can be transferred, the private school at which the student is enrolled must withdraw the student online. However, if the transfer occurs during the summer (June 1 - August 2), then the student does not have to be withdrawn from one private school before being enrolled in another, but can be transferred by the new private school's administrator.

Once the student is transferred, the private school administrator must also enroll the student by the payment deadline in order to potentially be eligible to receive payment for the student.


Withdrawals should be completed as soon as the student leaves the private school, graduates, or it has been determined that the student will not be returning for the next school year.

To complete the withdrawal process, enter the last date of attendance and a brief reason for the withdrawal. A confirmation page will appear, and the student will be listed in the Withdrawn Students section of the private school's McKay Student List page.

If a private school needs to re-instate a withdrawn student (e.g., because the parent changed his mind), then the private school should submit a Scholarship Issue Form.


The re-enrollment process is only completed for already enrolled students that will be attending the same private school during the next school year. Private schools can re-enroll their students starting May 1. Private schools have exclusive access to re-enroll their current students during May, but students not re-enrolled by the end of May are also available through August 2 for other private schools to enroll. Failure to re-enroll a scholarship student by the August 2 deadline will result in a missed payment.

Submit a Scholarship Issue Form for any 12th grade student that the private school administrator needs to re-enroll.


School Fee Schedule Video (WMV, 33MB) School Fee Schedule Video Transcript (TXT, 3KB)
Student Fee Schedule Video (WMV, 20MB) Student Fee Schedule Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Registering A Student Video (WMV, 16MB) Registering A Student Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Enrolling A Student Video (WMV, 24MB) Enrolling A Student Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Attendance Verification Video (WMV, 16MB) Attendance Verification Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Transferring A Student Video (WMV, 15MB) Transferring A Student Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Withdrawing A Student Video (WMV, 15MB) Withdrawing A Student Video Transcript (TXT, 2KB)
Re-enrolling A Student Video (WMV, 26MB) Re-enrolling A Student Video Transcript (TXT, 3KB)