Transcript for: “Registering A Student” video. Slide 2 Registration is the first step of the enrollment process for a student new to the McKay Scholarship program. Slide 3 Once a parent or guardian has chosen to enroll a McKay scholarship student into your school, you may locate the student’s intent record by selecting the “McKay Student List” from the Navigation Bar. Then choose “Register New Students.” Slide 4 Confirm that you are registering for the appropriate school year, then select “Begin Registration.” Slide 5 To locate a student’s record, select the student’s school district, and enter the student’s first and last name and date of birth. If the student’s record is not found, try again, entering only the first few letters in the first and last name. Contact your regional manager if you are unable to locate the student’s record after several attempts. Slide 6 After selecting the student’s name, choose the appropriate grade level for the child, then click the “Finish” button to continue. Please submit a Scholarship Issue Form to your regional manager to complete registration and enrollment for a student repeating the 12th grade. Slide 7 The Registration Confirmation screen provides the option of continuing the enrollment process for the current student or for registering other students. Slide 8 A student who is registered, but not enrolled appears in the “Registered Students” section of your McKay Student list. Remember, students must be enrolled in your school, and appear in the “Enrolled Students” section of your McKay Student list in order to be eligible for a scholarship payment. Slide 9 For more information on this topic, contact our office at (800) 447-1636 or email us at