Transcript for: “Transferring a Student” video. Slide 2 Scholarship students may be transferred from one participating private school to another. Scholarship students coming from a public school use the Registration Process. Slide 3 During the school year, August 3 through May 31, a student must be withdrawn from one private school before being transferred to another. During what is known as the Summer Transfer Period, June 1 through August 2, any student who has not been enrolled for the upcoming school year can be transferred to another school. Slide 4 From the Welcome page, select the “McKay Student List” located on the left side of the page, then select “Transfer Students from Other Schools.” Slide 5 Select the district, and then the school the student is transferring from. Slide 6 Use the dropdown list to choose the correct student. Only students eligible for transfer are displayed. During the school year, only withdrawn students will appear on the list. During the Summer Transfer Period, all students not already enrolled for the next year are listed. Slide 7 After you make the selection, a confirmation screen will appear indicating the student has been transferred. You will also be given the opportunity to transfer another student or return to your Student List. Slide 8 To complete the transfer process, the student must be enrolled by the payment deadline in order to potentially be eligible to receive payment for the student. Slide 9 For more information on this topic, contact our office at (800) 447-1636 or email us at